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2022 Course Redesign Institute

Teaching and Learning Innovation will host a 3-week, virtual Course Redesign Institute during the 2022 May mini-term. We have designed this institute to bring together faculty across the university to share ideas from their own pedagogies with one another and to participate in a focused track to redesign one of their courses 

TLI staff will help facilitate conversations on elements of highly successful courses for all institute participants. These engaged conversations will allow faculty to collaborate across institute tracks and connect with colleagues from different departments through extended small-group interaction. Faculty members with extensive experience in each institute track will assist in facilitating track-specific meetings and provide guidance for faculty participating in the institute as they complete their redesign. Participants will engage with a small group within their track to allow for deeper connections with fellow faculty, and the opportunity for each participant to receive extensive peer feedback on their course redesign. 

Institute Tracks

Experiential learning is an approach to education that emphasizes engaged student learning through direct experience and intentional reflection to increase knowledge, acquire lifelong learning and problem-solving skills, and elucidate values. Creating these experiences for our students provides opportunities for both deeper understanding of course content and acquiring essential transferable skills that better equip them for any future profession. UT’s Experience Learning initiative seeks to integrate experiential learning throughout the curriculum to provide these opportunities for students across the university. 

Participants in this track will develop a course that meets the requirements for an Experience Learning Course Designation: S (service-learning), R (undergraduate research), or N (internship). During the institute, participants will design their course using experiential learning best practices and integrating at least one of the Experience Learning initiative’s student learning outcomes.

Participants will work with selected Faculty Leaders and their small group to draft their course syllabus and designation application. Faculty who already piloted their experiential learning opportunity through a non-designated course are encouraged to apply, though this is not required.  

Required Deliverables for Completion:  

Participants in this track will submit a completed course syllabus and designation application.

Inclusive teaching strives to accommodate and embrace students’ diverse learning styles, learning needs, and prior experiences. By establishing a welcoming learning environment and adopting a variety of teaching methods, it helps students connect to and engage more in the learning content and community. 

Participants in this track will focus on intentional incorporation of best teaching practices and research-driven strategies that promote student learning by addressing various learning preferences and learning needs. The purpose of this institute track is to equip and support instructors to develop a course that is infused with inclusive teaching best practices so that it will enhance the learning for all students taking their course. Participants will work with selected Faculty Leaders, as well as together in a cohort group, where they will exchange ideas, share experiences, and support each other to develop their redesigned course.  

Required Deliverables for Completion:  

Participants in this track will submit three lesson plans infused with research-based inclusive teaching practices.

UT’s new strategic vision, It Takes a Volunteer, emphasizes the importance of a unique Volunteer Experience for our students that focuses on well-being and creating a space where every student has the opportunity and support to thrive. 

Participants in this track will develop a deeper understanding of what well-being pedagogy is and its benefits to both students and faculty. Working with TLI staff and Faculty Leaders, individuals in this track will discuss and reflect upon concepts and teaching strategies within the well-being framework that they might employ in their classes.  Participants will then work together in groups to create a syllabus or assignments for their courses.  

Required Deliverables for Completion:  

Participants in this track will submit three lesson plans, or a syllabus and two lesson plans, infused with relevant well-being teaching and assessment strategies.  


  • Any full-time faculty member (non-tenure or tenure track) who is eligible to receive additional pay.
  • Strong preference will be given to applicants who are assigned to teach the course proposed for redesign during the 2022-2023 academic year.
  • All full-time faculty are welcome to apply, but strong preference will be given to faculty who have not participated in a previous TLI Course Redesign Institute.
  • Previous faculty participants can apply as well, but we recommend applying to participate in an institute track not already completed in the past.


Faculty selected to participate in the institute must complete the TLI Certificate aligned with their selected institute track by May 16th at 11:59 PM. Because of the short turn around between application decisions and the start of the institute, we recommend all applicants begin the certificate as soon as possible and not wait for a decision on their application.  


Participants who satisfactorily complete and submit on time the required deliverables will receive a $2,000 stipend as additional pay. 

To receive their stipend, participants must:

  • attend institute-wide and track-specific meetings (Participants may miss 1 session for an unavoidable conflict),
  • complete the end-of-program assessment by June 5th, 2022 at 11:59 PM, and
  • satisfactorily complete and submit the track-specific deliverable (listed in the track descriptions above) by June 5th, 2022 at 11:59 PM.

Institute Schedule

The institute will begin on Thursday May 19th, 2022. Participants will meet virtually from 1:00PM – 4:00PM on May 19th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and June 1st. These meetings will include a combination of institute-wide meetings and track-specific meetings. Participants will receive a detailed schedule including topics and Zoom links in mid-April.  

In addition to the institute meeting times, participants can expect to spend 3-4 hours per week working on their course redesign. 

How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in applying, unfortunately applications are now closed for the 2022 institute.