This Inclusive Teaching Toolbox is a resource created to empower you to teach to the needs of your students, while helping learners understand the value of inclusion for their future careers. We have designed this toolbox not as a list of “tips and tricks of the trade,” but rather as a mechanism to help you think about ways that you can leverage the diversity of your students to improve the learning in your classroom. We recognize that teaching strategies change as educational research evolves. With this in mind, we have developed this toolkit as a “living” document that will be updated and amended as time progresses.
This Toolkit has been organized according to strategies that can be implemented before and during your class. There is also a final section entitled “After the Class” that focuses on how to use the data from student feedback and assignments to improve the next iteration of your course. We have also provided a “living” bibliography of additional readings and resources to help you learn more about inclusive teaching strategies, as well as some hints for how to engage your colleagues related to the field of inclusive teaching. Please check back often to see if there are any updates.