We have a variety of resources tailored to assist you in the online classroom. This list continues to grow and we appreciate your patience as we add more resources to our inventory. You can find more resources under the “Teaching Resources” tab on the menu. We also have a Quick Start Guide to Online Teaching featured on the Vols Online website with additional technology resources.
Best Practices for Online Exams: This downloadable document outlines ten tips to create and deliver online exams to your students.
Designing Effective Exam & Test Questions: This webpage provides an overview of the different types of exam questions that instructors can utilize, things to consider before creating the exam, and “after test” checks an instructor can use to determine that a good test was constructed and used.
SAFE Strategies to Deal with Difficult Moments in Your Online Classroom: Download this resource for quick strategies on dealing with difficult situations in your online course and guidance on establishing an inclusive and positive online learning environment.
How to Deal with Bias Incidents in Your Classroom: This webpage outlines steps on how to handle bias incidents as they occur in the class.
Civility & Inclusion in Online Courses: This webpage outlines tips to promote civility and inclusion in online courses.
Facilitating Experiential Learning Online
Best Practices in Facilitating Experiential Learning Opportunities Online: This webpage outlines eight strategies that can help faculty implement experiential learning opportunities in an online or hybrid classroom.
Using Reflection to Increase Student Learning in Online Experiential Learning: We’ve outlined questions to ask your students before, during, and after class to help increase student learning in an online experiential learning context.
Online Service-Learning: Exercises for Students: We have created three exercises that are designed to help students in online service-learning courses develop a sense of place and prepare them for responsible service.
Online Service-Learning in a Nutshell: This document provides an overview of how service-learning and online learning can coincide and be successfully implemented within a course.