On this webpage, we have provided the tools to aid you in teaching evaluation through self-evaluation strategies or peer-evaluation strategies.
The instructor peer-evaluation rubric is designed to measure instructors’ work with students and colleagues as it relates to higher education teaching. The peer evaluator needs to make several observations of classroom teaching; have one-on-one conversations with the instructor; examine lesson plans, syllabi, assignments, assessments, and other related materials; and possibly use student end-of-course evaluations to properly assess instructors with this rubric. The rubric is not intended to be used for a single classroom observation.
Download the instructor peer-evaluation rubric here.
The rubric is partitioned into five (5) categories universally recognized as significant components to address when teaching effectively in a university setting. Those five categories are:
- Student-Teacher Rapport,
- Course Design,
- Instructional Planning,
- Monitoring and Assessment,
- Continuous Improvement in Teaching
Along with the categories mentioned, other key facets have been included and mentioned as hallmarks within each category. Evaluators should use this rubric as an impartial means to assess their peers in areas of teaching necessary to be an efficient and an effective instructor. It is suggested that evaluators meet with their peers over numerous occasions throughout the entirety of academic year/semester, as deemed fit and appropriate.
The rating scale used for the rubric can be found below. An explanation of the scale is provided for clarity, but each criterion within the rubric should be read carefully to determine the appropriate assessment of the instructor.
Rating scale:
4 – Exemplary: Mastery performance from the instructor; instructor’s work in this area is recognized as an exceptional. Note: Verifiable evidence should be presented to support this achievement.
3 – Effective: Satisfactory performance from the instructor; instructor is deemed to practice acceptable behaviors in this area.
2 – Improvement Needed: Poor teaching behaviors from the instructor; area needs to be addressed to meet an acceptable performance level and strengthen overall teaching performance.
1 – Ineffective: Unacceptable teaching behaviors from the instructor; instructor should seek help to address this area of concern immediately.
The instructor self-evaluation survey is intended to measure one’s work with students and colleagues as it relates to higher education teaching. Instructors should answer each statement honestly and to the best of their knowledge and understanding. Read each statement carefully. Indicate your level of agreement with each statement as it relates to your performance as an instructor over the past academic semester.
Download the instructor self-evaluation rubric here.
Teaching Evaluation Toolbox:
This tool was created with both the reviewer and the person reviewed in mind. To this end, this guide is divided into two sections – one containing helpful tips for evaluators and the other with advice for those being evaluated. The latter includes faculty up for tenure and lecturers up for review and promotion.
- Self-evaluation rubric
- University of Oregon: Example of self-evaluation guide for self-assessment.
- Dayton University: Examples of self-evaluation rubrics and narratives related to teaching, course goals, and feedback. Examples of self-reflection questions to use after teaching.
- Self-evaluation plans
- University of Virginia: Outline for conducting a self-evaluation. A list explaining self-evaluation, the benefits, and how to complete a self-evaluation are included.
- Teaching statement
- University of Colorado: Teacher statement guidelines to help facilitate self-evaluation of teaching. Additional resources include rubrics and templates.
- Leveraging Your Annual Review
- Inside Higher Ed: Tips and checklists that outline how instructors can leverage their annual review.
- Peer-evaluation plans
- University of Oregon: Examples of peer review of teaching documents (e.g., observation instrument, review procedures).
- University of Colorado: Examples of peer evaluation plans from various disciplines with a template included. Additional resources include letter writing guides for peer observation and peer observation cover letters.
- California State University, Northridge: A best practices guide for peer reviews of teaching.
- Vanderbilt University: An article that outlines the description and purpose of a peer review of teaching.
- Peer-evaluation rubrics
- University of Minnesota: Several examples of instruments that can be used for conducting peer reviews of teaching including lecture-based courses, non-lecture courses, online courses, and syllabus review.