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The Campus Syllabus

The course syllabus is one of the most important documents you will share with your students. The syllabus should clearly outline your expectations of students as well as make clear to students what they can expect from you and your course. The resources on this page will help you craft a strong syllabus that provides all students with an understanding of how to succeed in your course.

The Campus Syllabus

The Campus Syllabus provides students with important information that is common to all courses at UT Knoxville, such as academic integrity and addressing disability needs. The campus syllabus can be added to your course syllabus.

Online Syllabus Template

The Online Course Syllabus Template includes components that support best practices in online course design and delivery. The template is meant to serve as an example and contains navigation links and specific language that can be used when developing a syllabus for your online or hybrid course. This syllabus template already includes the campus syllabus linked below.

Syllabus Template

The Syllabus Template  (in-person) provides the structure necessary to include the key information your students will require. The syllabus template already includes the campus syllabus that is linked below.

Syllabus Checklist

Before you begin your syllabus, review the Syllabus Checklist 2025 and use it as a guide to prepare your document. When you have completed a draft of your syllabus, review the checklist to ensure that you have included the elements listed.

CDC guidance recognizes the changing dynamics of living in a world with COVID-19. It rates COVID-19 community levels as low, medium, and high, with recommendations at each level about the use of masks and other precautions. At all levels of community spread, staying up-to-date with vaccination is the best way to protect yourself from serious illness and to limit the spread of COVID-19. Wearing a mask is always an option for any individual who chooses to do so, and the CDC recommends that those with high risk of severe illness talk with their health care providers. If you are sick, please stay in, avoid being around others as much as possible, and contact your health care provider for any symptoms that are worsening, moderate to severe, or concerning to you.  For more information about vaccination or to self-report an illness and receive support, visit For more information about COVID-19, visit

A statement on divisive concepts legislation is available on the Provost Office website as an additional resource for faculty who would like language on their syllabus that addresses civil academic discourse.

How to Construct a Learner-Centered Syllabus

Developed by faculty members from across UT, this video created by our unit will help you author a learner-centered syllabus for your classes.

Emergency Classroom Information

The Office of Emergency Management has created an emergency classroom information sheet to augment the campus syllabus, giving faculty quick access to information on protective actions for different types of emergencies that can be shared with students at the beginning of the semester.

Universal Design for Learning

For support with designing your syllabus according to the best practices of Universal Design for Learning, contact

Resources from the Division of Student Success

This webpage provides resources for instructors from the Division of Student Success. Included on this page is information about academic support services as well as opportunities for faculty to get involved in student success efforts like teaching First-Year Studies courses.

UT Academic Policy & Procedure Information

Located in the Academic Catalog, this webpage contains several links to consider regarding currently policies and practices at the university related to teaching, grading, and supporting our students.

University Honor Statement

This webpage provides information about the university’s Honor Statement and how every members of the campus community has a responsibility to uphold this foundational commitment to academic integrity at UT.

Student Conduct & Community Standards

The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards develops student integrity and accountability through an educational, consistent, and equitable conduct process and they offer several resources to support faculty as they develop an inclusive and effective classroom environment. Check on their website for information on academic dishonesty.

Hilltopics Student Handbook

Hilltopics, the student handbook of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, provides valuable information and links covering every element of student life at UT. These elements include academics, student support services and resources, student governing bodies and organizations, and campus policies and procedures. Hilltopics also contains the Student Code of Conduct, which outlines student rights and responsibilities at UT. It is each student’s responsibility to become familiar with this information and to comply with all university rules and policies.

The campus taskforce on the emergence of AI tools in higher education developed suggested syllabi language on use of AI tools in coursework. There are three types of recommended statements: 1) open use, 2) moderate use, and 3) strict use. Faculty are invited to use the suggested statement that best fits their courses. View suggested language.