Resources for getting around campus and preparing to teach
UT offers hangtag parking permits for faculty and staff, via the Parking & Transit Services office, but these may be expensive for those teaching only one or two courses. An online parking map is also available, showing where visitor parking can be found, and there are also metered parking spaces available along the edges of campus. For those who don’t mind a walk, an open metered space can usually be found on Lake Avenue, along the campus’s north end.
For those needing accommodations getting from one end of campus to another, the “T” bus service is available, with a nifty mobile app for locating bus stops, routes, and live tracking information for the buses themselves!
UT offers an interactive campus map, which you can use to locate your classrooms, office space, and a variety of departments. In the menu on the left, click “Buildings” and locate the one you want to find. Note, too, that the map has an “Accessibility” overlay—click that menu item for guidance on accessible parking, building entrances, curb cuts, elevators, and video phones.
Note: In the Parking section of this map, be sure to use the “check box” next to “Faculty and Staff” rather than the menu—the menu lists all lots individually, and can be a little confusing, it’s easy to read the parking map with “faculty and staff” selected.
Depending on the nature of your position, you may have questions about your hours, benefits, or status within UT’s employment system. The HR office provides a variety of information related to your employment at UT.
Benefits Information: HR provides a useful PDF table showing who provides each benefit, which employees are eligible, and how the benefits work.
New to the Area? HR also provides a page for those new to Tennessee or Knoxville, with some helpful links regarding driver’s licenses and voter registration, among other things.
Like many other services, information on pay can be accessed via the My UTK site and UT’s IRIS system. For questions about your pay, consult the Payroll Office. If you find you can’t access the My UTK site, jump to the Troubleshooting portion of this guide.
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