Individual units and departments may have their own rules about what you need to accomplish as each term comes to a close, so if the information below doesn’t seem to cover everything, it may be important to consult your unit leadership well in advance of the end of any given term. The following resources are intended to provide a place to start, but may not cover everything you will need to do.
Grade Reporting: Deadlines for grade reporting are usually listed in the Academic Calendar, and in information distributed by individual departments. Grades must be registered in the Banner system, located in MyUTK—for additional information, see the Registrar’s page on Grade Entry. Additional information on grades and how they influence student GPA is available in the Grades and Transcripts page, in the One Stop Student Services site.
Students may challenge the grade given in any class, and it’s up to faculty members to let them know about their rights and responsibilities—and be aware of your own. For information on grade appeals, see the Student Success Center’s page on Academic Appeals, which includes links to the relevant parts of the University Catalog.
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