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TLI’s Mission, Vision, and Values

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Teaching & Learning Innovation serves the University of Tennessee, Knoxville as the university’s home for faculty development. As part of the work that we do, we seek to provide tenure track and non-tenure track faculty, as well as graduate students and post-docs, with opportunities for professional development in teaching, as well as supporting all of our stakeholders in attaining the success that they seek related to their work and career paths.

Our Mission

TLI facilitates instructional excellence and supports those we serve in achieving their work life goals to foster a culture of success for faculty across the university.

Our Vision

A path to success for every faculty member at UTK.

Our Values

As a unit within the Office of the Provost, in the Division of Faculty Affairs, we advance:

    1. collaborative and mutually beneficial partnerships,
    2. inclusive, equitable, and evidence-based approaches to foster success for those we serve, and
    3. faculty development as integral to the mission of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee’s flagship and land-grant institution.