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Teaching Fundamentals

We at Teaching & Learning Innovation have created our Teaching Fundamentals resource list, which includes several resources tailored for faculty and graduate teaching assistants who are relatively new to teaching or for those wishing to brush up on the basics.

List of Resources

Effective Lecturing Strategies: An effective lecture embodies active engagement of the students and encourages the students to attentively participate in the discussions. This webpage shares some of the strategies to facilitate effective lecturing.

Facilitating Group Work: Group work is an applicable procedure to enhance students’ learning that is implemented in different forms such as instructor-assigned, student-selected, and randomly assigned. This webpage lists five pillars of effective cooperative and collaborative learning.

First Day of ClassThe key to the first day of class, similar to the course itself, is putting in the time and effort to plan for the teaching and learning experience you want for you and your students. This webpage outlines steps that can be followed to make sure you have created a clear path to successful engagement for your students as well as for yourself.

Handling Plagiarism: This webpage provides resources on how to prevent plagiarism among your students.

Increasing Student Motivation: This webpage provides popular strategies for increasing student motivation.

Large Classroom Teaching: This webpage offers a number of recommendations to effectively engage students in the large classroom context.

Leading Good Class Discussions: This webpages provides guidelines for how to facilitate group discussions.

Mentoring Graduate Students: Mentoring graduate students is an important responsibility for faculty. For this to occur, one must approach the process with intention and purpose. This webpage describes what mentoring is and how to best approach it.

Part-Time Faculty Startup Kit: We recognize that many different professionals decide to teach on a part-time adjunct basis for many different reasons, so Teaching & Learning Innovation, offers a variety of resources to support your success.

Purposes of the Syllabus: This webpage includes several aspects that can be included on a syllabus that will help it to be a good record of the course.

Strategies to Implement & Practices to Avoid: Setting Class Expectations for Your Students: This webpage offers some practical strategies for implementation and issues to keep in mind when establishing expectations for your classroom.

Student Learning Outcomes: This webpage outlines the process of developing student learning outcomes.

Supporting First Generation Students: This document outlines practices that are especially beneficial to first generation students to help them feel more connected to the academic environment.

The Syllabus: On this webpage, you will find a syllabus checklist, new course syllabus template, the UT campus syllabus template, and various tactics on how to organize and design a syllabus. We would like to thank the Office of Information Technology for assisting us in making sure these resources meet accessibility standards.

Syllabus: Creating a Memorable Teaching Philosophy Statement: This document will provide you with a process for developing and writing a memorable teaching philosophy statement. This statement serves as a concrete illustration of the thinking, intention, and teacher identity of the instructor. It represents what students and colleagues can expect to encounter when the actual individual shows up to campus and the classroom.

Viewing Office Hours as a Resource: Office hours might be one of the most underutilized resources for both students and instructors. We offer a few tips that could enhance the experience through this webpage.