We have reached our max capacity of participants for July’s Virtual Vols Bootcamp. We apologize for any inconvenience. Stay tuned for future online teaching programming and assistance.
In an effort to support faculty who will be delivering their courses online this fall, Teaching & Learning Innovation and Office of Information Technology will be offering a series of synchronous workshops, asynchronous learning modules, and individual consultations. Faculty members who successfully complete the bootcamp requirements will receive a stipend. Faculty and graduate students are also invited to take part in various sections of the bootcamp even if they don’t intend on completing the requirements for a stipend.
Upon completing the program, participants will be able to:
- Utilize a Canvas course template
- Develop an online course syllabus
- Add instructional content to a Canvas course site
- Design and deliver online assessments
- Use Zoom for remote teaching and learning
- Implement strategies for managing the online classroom
- Recognize methods for promoting equity and inclusion
- Design and deliver online activities that promote student engagement and collaboration
$500 stipends are available to full-time and part-time faculty and graduate students who are instructors of record for at least one course this fall semester on a first-come, first-served basis who complete the bootcamp requirements.
Completing this bootcamp is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
- Attend 2 out of 3 synchronous workshops.
- Complete all three asynchronous Canvas modules.
- Once you attend your workshops and complete your modules, schedule your consultation!
Faculty who have received a stipend from a previous iteration of the bootcamp are not eligible for additional stipends. Read more about the above offerings in the sidebar to the right. Participation and completion of bootcamp requirements are tracked internally by TLI staff. Stipends will be awarded when requirements are met until all available funding is exhausted. You will receive communication confirming your completion and next steps to receive your stipend.
The program offerings are still available for those interested in learning more about online teaching, but don’t qualify or wish to complete the steps for the stipend. Simply indicate you don’t intend to complete the bootcamp for the stipend in the registration form.