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Inclusive Teaching Advisory Network

The purpose of Inclusive Teaching Advisory Network is:

  • Advising: Continuing to advise TLI on inclusive teaching offerings and opportunities.
  • Networking: Throughout this group’s existence members have verbalized their appreciation for the opportunity to connect with others doing this work in other departments, colleges, and units across UT.
  • Contributions: Members of this group support this work in their colleges, departments, and units and are effective leaders in this area across UT.

Additional Information

  • The members are “thought leaders” and “ambassadors”, demonstrating, creating, and connecting efforts across various disciplines and educational contexts regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • The maximum term to serve on the task force is 3 years.

Katherine Ambroziak, Associate Professor, School of Architecture 

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Research 

College of Architecture & Design 


Ashlee Anderson, Clinical Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies in Education 

College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences; Theory & Practice in Teacher Education 


Joy Bertling, Assistant Professor, Art Education 

College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences; Theory & Practice in Teacher Education 


Ernest Brothers, Associate Dean 

The Graduate School 


Ashley Browning, Compliance System Coordinator 

SACSCOC Accreditation 


Susan Groenke, Professor, English Education 

Assistant Department Head 

College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences; Theory & Practice in Teacher Education 


Amelia Hart, Lecturer, Department of Accounting & Information 

Haslam College of Business 


Christy Hickman, Assistant Professor of Practice 

College of Social Work 


Sharon Jean-Philippe, Associate Professor, Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries 

Herbert College of Agriculture 

Jennifer Jordan, Clinical Associate Professor, Elementary Education; Rural/Literacy Education 

College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences; Theory & Practice in Teacher Education 


Brent Lamons, Assistant Professor of Practice Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications   

Executive Director of Student Success 

Herbert College of Agriculture 


Thura Mack, Professor  

Coordinator of Community Learning Services & Diversity Programs 

UTK Libraries 


Ferlin McGaskey, Director of Professional Development 

Teaching & Learning Innovation 


Briana Rosenbaum, Associate Professor 

College of Law 


Anna Sandelli, Associate Professor 

Head of Teaching and Learning Programs  

UTK Libraries 


Cheryl Shahan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Education of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Educational Interpreting Program 

College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences; Theory & Practice in Teacher Education 


Cindy Welch, Clinical Associate Professor  

Coordinator of Youth Services 

College of Communication & Information Sciences 


Caroline Wienhold, Assistant Director of Biology Teaching & Learning, Biological Sciences 

College of Arts & Sciences