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Graduate Student Spotlight: Lila Al-Shwaf

Ph.D. Student, Supply Chain Management

Some people say that love makes the world go round. I, however, believe it’s the intricate dance of global supply chain management. Take a moment and consider the mobile device from which you’re reading this article. Beyond its final assembly, can you imagine the intricacies involved? The synchronized dance of people, materials, and information crisscrossing the globe; the meticulous planning, seamless transactions, bustling manufacturing hubs, and the orchestrated journey of packages aboard planes, trucks, and ships. All of it converging with precision to place a 5×3 inch marvel in your hands—your portal to organize daily tasks, capture memories, or even indulge in a “Rick roll.”

My innate fascination with these unseen ballets behind every product fueled my curiosity into the world of supply chain management. After a five-year stint in the automotive industry— boasting arguably the most complex supply chain processes—I felt an irresistible pull towards deeper exploration. Pursuing a PhD in Supply Chain Management became my next step to help me explore my curiosities. And where better to delve into this quest than at a prestigious institution renowned for its undergraduate and graduate supply chain programs? My aim is not just to satiate my curiosities through rigorous research, but to ignite and share this passion with others, sculpting the next generation of supply chain maestros.

As one delves deeper into higher education, structured guidance often becomes a rarity, replaced by self-driven pursuits and independent exploration. The CIRTL F.U.E.L. program emerged as a beacon in this vast landscape, offering me invaluable insights to craft my teaching philosophy. It wasn’t just about the philosophy. The program redefined my approach to teaching, prompting me to tailor instruction to achieve specific learning outcomes for my students. Moreover, I was also able to write out statements which I anticipate will be crucial during my forthcoming job applications. The feedback received on these statements was enlightening, sharpening both my perspective and expression.

While I believe the program is a goldmine for novice educators embarking on their teaching journey, it’s equally beneficial for experienced instructors. It challenges, refines, and elevates teaching approaches, fostering a deeper connection with one’s educational purpose. The CIRTL F.U.E.L. program has had a profound impact on my academic and teaching trajectory.

I was fortunate to be able to teach a course at UT on manufacturing and service operations. The course met daily from 2-3:40, and most of the students were taking 3 to 4 classes, some also working part time or full time. I could definitely tell that many students were exhausted by the time they got to my classroom. So, it was particularly touching to me when I received this email:

“Hello Professor Lila,

I wanted to reach out and thank you for being engaged and making the material fun. I am taking 3 consecutive classes starting at 10:00 and ending with your class, so I am thrilled that it is a fun one to end the day on. I hope you have a great weekend.”

It brought a smile to my face and renewed motivation to bring my best self to class every day.